Israel Tax Authorities

Miss Sahara Kaplan, will attend to you
(in English) at Phone No. +972 3 546 88 88
In case of emergency, call Gabriel Hanner
at his
cellular: +972 50 552 33 33
Israel Tax Authorities
The Custom and VAT Authority
Bank Israel Street
P.O.Box 320
Jerusalem 91002
Telephone: +972 2 666-4000
Fax: +972 2 666-4011
E-mail: [email protected]
Income Tax Commission
Kanfei Nesharim Street
Telephone: +972 2 655-9559
Fax: +972 2 652-5327
E-mail: [email protected]
Miss Sahara Kaplan, will attend to you
(in English) at Phone No. +972 3 546 88 88
In case of emergency, call Gabriel Hanner
at his
cellular: +972 50 552 33 33